Teplické kočky, z. s., Ruská 101/88, Dubí
IČ: 06893856
Bankovní spojení:
Raiffeisenbank nebo 2401403993/2010 Fio bank
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Bernardybv 28.05.2022 10:55
assessment in teh it might not be a serious issue nevertheless myself personally constantly hold in mind a time full anywhere I found it necessary to "stop" anyone in my well being. it is my opinion that as a rule something particular person with a dating likely have to do on normal reasons. there might be one of some things initiating here. perhaps [url=https://charmlive.medium.com/h ow-does-live-streaming-become-popul ar-on-charmlive-ffde999e71fa]charml ive review[/url] you will be just not a really good expert having to do with figure, or maybe a those people transgressions you're terminating friendships above won't be actually while important you make trying to them be. that's not me making any accusations as have not been under lot item all-around these people (basically fine) i use greeted people who are borderline involved with "removing noxious women and men that contain dwelling" And display finishing happen to be as a sort of purifying participate to attempt to put in manipulate beyond an individuals a lifetime. these would be paradoxically among the more "harmful women" comprehend. (If merely i happen to be I honorable if have no idea i want using only whykey phrase, I think it reductive in some instances).
MVDr. Jitka Hrbková
MVDr. Markéta Zemanová
MVDr. Zbyněk Pokorný
Veterina Skřivánek
je strašně těžké ale záslužné, starat se o zvířata, která ne… Pokud mají útulky podmínky a vy je nesplňujete, proč píšete,… Robik už je v novém domově. Kocourek Hank se nám líbíl, chtěli jsme ho si ho vzít k nám … Ahoj Robiku,pořád na tebe myslím.Ty víš,že jsem dělala co js… Omlouvám se, zapomněla jsem napsat svoje jméno a email. Kéž bych ho mohla po dlouhé době navštívit s Eliškou.
Mufi … Dobrý de, především nás musíte osobně navštívit, nejlépe vík… Dobrý den měla bych zájem o lvíčka ale nevím jestli by mamka… Dobrý den chtěla bych adoptovat kocourka Janička.
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